Learning excursions

At KIST, we believe that excursions are an integral part of student learning in that they:

  • relate learning to contexts outside of the classroom;
  • provide opportunities for experiences not easily available in our immediate vicinity;
  • offer students the ability to participate in social development opportunities outside of the classroom context;
  • allow for engagement with our host communities.

All learning excursions are carefully planned to relate directly to specific learning objectives to support curricular learning. As all students are expected to participate, excursions also provide team-building opportunities with classmates. In the Elementary School, students usually have one excursion per semester, while in the Secondary School, excursions may be arranged by subject teachers when appropriate for the course of instruction.

There are three types of learning excursions for students at KIST as outlined below. Destinations are selected according to the age group of the students and may change from year to year.

Short learning excursions

—short outings to locations within the vicinity of the school that are accessible on foot


Local shops and businesses
Kiyosumi Garden
Fukagawa Edo Museum
Sumida river and other local waterways
Local parks

Long learning excursions

—trips during the school day requiring some form of transportation


Art, science and cultural museums
Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse
Tokyo Sea Life Park
Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Facility
Ueno zoo
National Diet
Banks and financial institutions
Local services facilities and factories
Day camps (Grade 5)

Overnight learning excursions

—retreats, camps and the like held outside Tokyo that require overnight stays (Grades 7, 9 and 11 only)

Grade 7: Forestry conservation camp (Winter)
Grade 9: Outdoor adventure camp (Spring)
Grade 11: DP retreat (September)