The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a demanding and rewarding set of courses that KIST students undertake in Grade 6–8. Designed to appeal to the whole learner, the MYP allows students to deepen their understanding of a wide range of academic disciplines by introducing topics through a variety of approaches and contexts and guiding students through strengthening their knowledge through independent research. By building a strong and balanced foundation in the various subject areas, the MYP prepares students to face complex, real-world topics and encourages them to find ways to have an impact through their own actions in all of the communities to which they belong.
As the name implies, the Middle Years Programme serves as a bridge between the PYP and higher secondary education. Students build upon the strong foundation of inquiry and curiosity developed in the PYP and, over the course of three years, develop these techniques into the strong critical and analytical thinking skills that will help them succeed in the latter half of their secondary education.

The MYP Global Contexts—a list of six enduring ideas that transcend the borders of individual disciplines—serve as the lens through which MYP students come to view the world. Each of the MYP subjects—the Arts, Design, English, Individuals and Societies, Japanese, Mathematics, Physical and Health Education, and Science—explore a list of Key and Related Concepts that allow students to increase both the depth and breadth of their understanding. Additionally, as with the other IB programmes, the MYP allows students the opportunity to strengthen their Approaches to Learning and to find a variety of ways to demonstrate the attributes identified in the IB Learner Profile.
At KIST, we place particular importance on assuring our students’ success in their later academic careers. To access KIST students’ performance data on the International School’s Assessment (ISA) for students in Grade 6–8, please check our Academic performance page.
MYP students at KIST also each belong to a grade-level advisory group. Advisory teachers work with students through each year of the MYP, focusing on the social and emotional aspects of growing up. During advisory, students have a chance to reflect and improve on the skills that build character that is consistent with the school’s mission. They become better prepared to contribute to the community through participating in the MYP Service requirement. In this way, the MYP supports students as they mature and develop as global citizens.
In the final year of the programme, all MYP students complete the Community Project, a demanding individual activity which allows students to explore ideas and issues that inspire them. Working in small groups, students design, execute and evaluate a long-term project that produces an action that helps to improve a need (at school, in their community, or in the larger world) the students themselves have identified. The Community Project provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate academic skills combined with a genuine concern for the larger world.
Curriculum explanation sessions are scheduled throughout the year for families to learn more about the nature of the curriculum, the learning methods focused on and other general expectations. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend these sessions in order to gain the knowledge necessary to be able to provide appropriate support to their children.