KIST offers the three IB programs (PYP, MYP and DP), with curriculum content tailored for success in the culminating DP. All students in Grades 11 and 12 at KIST study in the DP.
For each graduating class since our inception, the KIST DP average score has been well above the DP world average score. Since 2015, KIST has been the highest-ranking school offering the DP in Japan.
The statistics for DP performance at KIST from the past five years are shown in the table below.
Year | KIST DP average | DP world average | Highest KIST score | No. of KIST G12 graduates | No. of KIST G12 Diploma candidates | % of students in full DP* | No. of Diplomas attained | % that attained Diploma* |
2020 | 39.83 | 31.38 | 45 | 44 | 41 | 93% | 41 | 100% |
2019 | 39.20 | 29.65 | 45 | 37 | 35 | 95% | 35 | 100% |
2018 | 37.76 | 29.78 | 44 | 38 | 34 | 89% | 34 | 100% |
2017 | 38.03 | 29.95 | 43 | 37 | 35 | 95% | 35 | 100% |
2016 | 36.53 | 30.07 | 43 | 38 | 37 | 97% | 36 | 97% |
In the DP, students study six subjects and can attain a maximum of seven points in each subject. Three additional points may be attained by successfully completing the additional core DP course components: Extended Essay; Theory of Knowledge; and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). Candidates can thereby attain a maximum score of 45 points in the DP. Over the years, several KIST graduates have received scores of 45 points.
*Globally, statistical averages indicate that less than 50% of students take the full DP with approximately 80% of those students attaining the IB Diploma.
KIST is very proud to have attained another year of spectacular results by our DP graduates last year. |
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Of particular note for the Class of 2020: ➢ 41 of the 44 students (93%) were enrolled in the full Diploma, in comparison with the global average of 50%. ➢ 41 of the 41 students (100%) enrolled in the full Diploma at KIST attained the IB Diploma, in comparison with the global average of 85%. ➢ The average score for KIST students attaining the IB Diploma was 39.83 points, more than 8 points above the IB Diploma world average of 31.38 points. ➢ 25 KIST students attaining the IB DP (61%) attained scores of 40 points or above, in comparison with the global average of 13%. The 25 students qualify to be considered for the KIST “Learning for Life” University Support Scholarships. ➢ 1 student attained a perfect score of 45 points, for which only 0.42% achieved globally. ➢ 2 students attained 44 points; 3 students attained 43 points; 8 students attained 42 points; 6 students attained 41 points; and 6 students attained 40 points. ➢ 51% of students attaining the IB Diploma enrolled at KIST prior to Grade 6, with an average score of 39.2 points attained by these students. These statistics reflect well on the quality of learning in our PYP and MYP programming. |
KIST's 2020 graduates performed more than 0.5 points over the IB world average score in 97% of the courses delivered at KIST (shaded green and blue below) and more than one point over the IB world averages in 59% of the courses we offer (shaded blue below). The chart below shows a breakdown of KIST averages and a comparison against the IB DP world average scores for each course. |
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*Subjects studied through Pamoja Education |
To measure student progress against international benchmarks, all KIST students in Grades 3–9 sit the International Schools’ Assessment (ISA), a standardized assessment of proficiency in mathematical literacy, reading, narrative writing and expository writing. More information about the ISA can be found by clicking here. The statistics for ISA performance at KIST for the 2019–20 school year are shown below. |
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To measure student progress against international benchmarks, and to prepare students for the university application process, all KIST students in Grade 10 sit the College Board PSAT exam in October each year. As PSAT exams are scored on a common scale with the SAT exams, students would have received the same score on the SAT as they attained on the PSAT. The PSAT is a standardized assessment implemented by the College Board that measures proficiency in mathematics and evidence-based reading and writing. More information about the PSAT can be found by clicking here. Below is a comparison of 2020–21 KIST Grade 10 student performance against the grade-level benchmark scores published by the College Board. The College Board prepares benchmarks for college readiness for both Grade 10 and Grade 11. While KIST performance data below are for Grade 10 students, the benchmarks for Grade 11 are included in brackets for comparison purposes. Again this year, KIST students performed well above the benchmarks for both Grade 10 and Grade 11 on all components of the PSAT exam. We were particularly pleased that 67% of our students performed above the 90th percentile on the Mathematics component of the PSAT exam (over 50% of KIST students have consistently attained above the 90th percentile for the past five years). Overall, 56% of our students scored above the 90th percentile on the PSAT exam. |
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These data confirm that the introduction of various initiatives in previous years is having a positive influence on teaching and learning in KIST classrooms. A graph of PSAT scores over the past six years is below. |
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KIST is a Pearson Edexcel IGCSE school and all students sit the IGCSE exams for Mathematics. Mathematics at KIST is divided into two streams: ➢ Standard Mathematics where students study the IGCSE Mathematics A course in Grades 9 and 10. ➢ Extended Mathematics where students study the IGCSE Mathematics B course in Grades 8 and 9 and then complete the IGCSE Further Pure Mathematics course in Grade 10. More information about the Edexcel IGCSE can be found by clicking here. IGCSE tests are graded on a scale of 1 to 9, with 9 being the maximum possible score. The results of KIST students on IGCSE exams for the 2018–19 school year are shown below. |
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