Please use any of the methods listed below to contact KIST.
Please use our Inquiry Form.
All general inquiries about the school should be sent to this address only. Notifications of student absence, late arrival or early departure should also be sent to this address.
If you are a KIST parent/guardian and wish to contact individual teachers or staff, click here to view our Faculty Directory (log in required).
From inside Japan
English | 03-3642-9993 |
Japanese | 03-3642-9992 |
From outside Japan
English | +81-3-3642-9993 |
Japanese | +81-3-3642-9992 |
From inside Japan
03-3642-9994 |
From outside Japan
+81-3642-9994 |
Postal address
1-5-15 Shirakawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0021

Click here to view details of our location…
Office hours
General inquiries: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
Admissions inquiries: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
KIST is closed on weekends and some national holidays. We also close at various other times during the school year.

Click here to check our school calendar for details of school vacation periods…