Parental involvement

One of KIST’s guiding beliefs states that:

“Education is a shared partnership of mutual cooperation between students, parents/caregivers and the school.”

We believe that a good school is defined not only by excellence in academics, but also through a warm, caring environment, strong social relationships and a solid relationship between the school and students’ homes. Part of this relationship is built through parents supporting at home the learning that takes place in the classroom, and part of it is built through the commitment by parents to the areas of the school that support our educational programs. We believe that parents who are actively involved in their children’s education and in the activities of the school act as excellent role models for their children.

At KIST, there is a strong expectation that parents will be involved in their child’s education across all levels from K1 through Grade 12. As children move up through the school, it is often the case that parents spend less and less time focusing on their children’s school life for various reasons. As children get older, we assume that they have developed sufficient common sense and skills that enable them to function more independently. This may be so to some extent; however, we believe that continued parental involvement is vital for children as they move into adolescence after entering the Secondary School. In addition, because of the academic demands of the IB Diploma Programme in Grades 11 and 12, parental support is especially important.

Participation in a number of specific events throughout the year is required for all families. These include KISTival (the annual school festival), Family Day, parent welcome nights, parent/teacher/student interviews, student-led conferences and others. The dates of such events are included on the annual school calendar to allow families to plan ahead accordingly.

In addition to participation in events, other ways parents may contribute voluntary support include:

  • Class parents
    Each class in the Elementary School has one or two “class parents” who volunteer their time and services to support class teachers or assist the school in various ways if requested.
  • KISTival leaders
    Parents may volunteer their time and services to lead the organization and operation of a class booth for the school festival, KISTival. For each class in both the Elementary and Secondary School, one or two leaders are usually required. KISTival leaders who fulfill their role satisfactorily may be awarded credit towards their School Support Program duty requirements.
  • Excursions
    Parents are occasionally asked to attend excursions with their child’s class. This can be a rewarding experience for both parents and children as they discover and explore new environments together.

The degree of support provided by parents is a factor considered when students progress to higher curriculum programs.

We appreciate the fact that many parents have their own work and personal commitments; however, we ask for the support of all families across all levels of the school community in helping us to help your children.