Family Day is an important annual event held on a Saturday in May, in which students, families and staff participate together in a variety of games and enjoyable physical activities. It aims to build camaraderie and create opportunities for communication between all members of the school community in an informal setting. Based on the model of a Japanese school sports festival, the emphasis of Family Day is not on competition, but on community interaction through participation in the games and activities in a fun and friendly atmosphere.
To allow for maximum participation and effective use of the school playground, the day is divided into three sections: K1 through Grade 1 students and families participate from early morning, Grades 2 through 5 from late morning, and Grades 6 through 12 from the afternoon.
As the final community event of the school year, Family Day also provides an opportunity to share information with the school community such as details of incoming teachers as well as forthcoming developments, new initiatives and projects, and school improvements.