This course is aimed at students in Grades 1 through 5 who need additional support with mathematics. It is designed to help students build on their knowledge of the fundamentals of math by studying the meaning of math symbols, addition, subtraction and multiplication. They will also learn the vocabulary associated with math and math problems. We recommend that you take advantage of this course in order to build a strong foundation for your child’s mathematics ability.
Class structure
LEAP Math Support is a twice-a-week class based on the National Curriculum for England. Classes are held on Wednesday and Friday afternoons after school and run for 60 minutes. Students must attend both classes.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday (3:30–4:30 p.m.) | Thursday | Friday (3:30–4:30 p.m.) |
Math support | Math support |
Class content is determined by the LEAP instructors in consultation with homeroom teachers. Assessment data may also be used to determine the content of lessons. Lessons cover a combination of basic math skills and mathematical literacy.
Homework is given, and any work not completed in class is also expected to be completed as homework.
Basic math skills
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the basic skills upon which all mathematical knowledge is built. In this class, students revise and sharpen their basic skills to help them in their class and everyday life. Important areas such as time, money, fractions, decimals and measurement are also covered.
Math literature
Students work through word problems and learn the vocabulary used in math. They also work on multi-step problems that require deep thinking and problem-solving skills.