“Supporting students for academic success”
Click here for information on LEAP classes available in 2020–21.

What is LEAP?
LEAP, the Learning Enhancement Academic Program, is KIST’s academic support program for Elementary students from K3 through Grade 5. Participation in LEAP provides additional opportunities for students to further develop academic skills in English and mathematics that will transfer to the regular classroom, in line with one of the school’s guiding beliefs that states: “Special emphasis should be placed on development of skills in language and mathematics as essential learning tools.” To allow for more individualized attention, we aim to keep LEAP classes small.
The regular Elementary School program at KIST presents an inquiry-based, concept-driven curriculum based on the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) in which students develop conceptual understandings within meaningful contexts through a cycle of inquiry. Students gain critical knowledge and acquire skills as they progress through the units of inquiry; however, for students who have not yet mastered basic skills, learning higher level concepts may present a challenge if not appropriately supported.
For a high percentage of students at KIST, English is not their home language. These students, along with those still developing their basic academic skills, require additional support in order to access the concept-driven curriculum. Another of KIST’s guiding beliefs states that: “Students learning through a second language require more learning time and a greater degree of effort and support than those learning through their first language.” As a school, we believe, therefore, that it is our responsibility to ensure that these students are provided with opportunities to develop the core knowledge and skills that form part of the building blocks through which deeper understanding emerges. LEAP is designed, therefore, to complement the PYP in achieving this goal.
Who are the instructors?
LEAP classes are led by KIST instructional support staff (ELS instructors, teaching assistants) who have firsthand knowledge of the regular curriculum in the Elementary School and the level of knowledge required for success. This enables the instructors to connect LEAP activities to the regular curriculum to ensure that LEAP is directly relevant to what the students need to succeed. LEAP instructors hold qualifications to teach English to second or foreign language learners, or may be certified classroom teachers.
Who can attend LEAP classes?
At the time of initial enrollment at KIST, students may receive certain conditions to attend mandatory LEAP support classes if their English and/or mathematics skills are insufficient for independent learning, and it is deemed necessary that they require extra support beyond what is possible within the regular classroom setting. In such cases, acceptance of an offer of enrollment indicates the agreement of families to cooperate with the LEAP conditions stipulated in the offer.
Continuing students in K3 through Grade 5 may also receive recommendations during the year from their regular classroom teacher, or may be required to participate in LEAP if the results of diagnostic testing administered each semester show that they are below grade expectations. In both cases, attendance at LEAP is required until such time as the students meet grade level expectations as determined through observations and diagnostic testing. Children not required or recommended to participate are also welcome to apply; however, spaces may be limited.
What is the application process?
LEAP classes are offered on a semester basis in line with the school calendar. Applications are required each semester and are accepted through an online system that opens after the start of each semester. Classes then begin three or four weeks into the semester. Information regarding application procedures is provided to all families via E-Communications.
Submission of an application does not automatically secure a place in the class. All applications are screened for eligibility. As seats are limited due to smaller class sizes, priority is given to those required to attend who have a greater need for support as determined by the school.