We believe that homework not only supports the learning that takes place throughout the day, but also promotes individual responsibility, good work habits and time management skills. Homework expectations are different for each grade and teacher but are set in relation to class work.
Students are responsible for completing their homework. We appreciate the support from families in checking that homework is being done; however, it should not be a source of conflict in your home. If students are not fulfilling their responsibilities, it will be discussed between the teacher and the student.
In the Elementary School, the general homework expectations are as follows.
There are no specific homework requirements for students in K1 to K3. We encourage families to instead become involved in their child’s learning through play, conversation and firsthand experiences. We also strongly encourage daily literature experiences where parents/guardians read to and with their child. As children develop in their own ability to read, beginner level reading books will be sent home and can be included in the regular home reading sessions.
Grades 1–5
Grade 1 is viewed as a transition time from the early childhood years and, as such, homework expectations build slowly over the year. For Grades 2 to 5, general guidelines are set by teachers of between 30 minutes to one hour per night. As an approximate guide, the time students should be spending on homework can be calculated by multiplying their grade level by 15 minutes. This includes a student’s own revision work and study. Homework tasks may include: reading, spelling, mathematics activities, language activities and incidental unit work.