The KIST Community Association (CA) is an organization for parents/guardians of enrolled students. All families are members of the CA while they have children enrolled at the school. A small annual family membership fee is invoiced at the beginning of each school year.
The CA supports and fosters the partnership between students, parents and the school in accordance with the school’s mission, vision and guiding beliefs through planning and implementing events and providing services, equipment, materials and resources which directly enhance the educational experiences and well-being of students.
The CA is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. All officers are elected annually through an online election process through the school website to encourage as many families to vote as possible. Election results are announced at the Annual General Meeting held in May.
Various sub-committees are also established and parents/guardians are encouraged to join a committee or volunteer as the committee chair. Getting involved in a committee is a great way to meet new people, and can also be a lot of fun. Furthermore, both officers of the Executive Committee and Chairs of the sub-committees who fulfil their roles satisfactorily may be awarded credit towards their School Support Program duty requirements. Current committees are as shown below.
Communications and Community Relations Committee
This committee produces and promotes CA related communication within the school community and beyond, plans and implements initiatives that welcome and support families new to KIST, and encourages member involvement in the CA. It also gathers news and information about the school and the CA and disseminates it to the school community.
Events Committee
This committee plans and implements events that directly involve students in social and/or educational experiences, and provides support towards such events arranged by the school.
IT Committee
This committee updates information about CA activities on the CA’s Intranet page, and provides opportunities for communication between families.
Library Committee
This committee works with the KIST library team to coordinate planning and implementation of library related events and to update and improve library and media resources and services for students, parents and staff. It assists in planning events such as book fairs, read-a-thons, textbook sales, book clubs and the like.
Service Committee
This committee identifies, plans and implements service opportunities that directly involve students and other community members in taking action and contributing to their community. It also coordinates the collection of Bellmarks, ink cartridges, and milk and juice cartons from the school community in order to obtain points that can be exchanged for items to benefit the school.