The cherry blossoms are blooming at KIST! With the extended school closure, we’re very sad that all the members of the KIST community won’t be able to enjoy them this year, but we hope that sharing them through social media can add some cheer to everyone’s day!
While cherry blossom viewings and other seasonal outings were sadly limited this year by measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we feel strongly that the safety of the members of the KIST community and the greater Tokyo and world community at large is the highest priority. We hope that our students and their families were able to enjoy safe alternatives to cherry blossom viewing, such as having an indoor picnic using photos and videos of cherry trees to create ambiance, and we look forward to sharing the cherry blossoms with all of our KIST family in future years!
For more information about the school closure extension through May 8, members of the KIST community should check E-Communications No. 250.